we take
at the Kumu Kahua Theatre
part of the Kumu Kahua Dark Night Series
March 2008
Gwen Arbaugh
Marie Kuroda
Frances Mammana
Aisha Goshi Otagua
James Schirmer
Misa Tupuo
Jyunko Mizumocchi
Abel Coelho
choreographed / designed by Abel Coelho
costumes Alexis Leon
lights Jeremy Dowd
stage managers Kelcie Awo / Emily Hare
Kumu Kahua Artistic Director Harry Wong III
"Abel Coelho has staged another idiosyncratic and bold theatrical piece
drawing equally on Theatre and Dance techniques that is worth your time
and support. This is 'We Take,' which amalgamates Western classical music
and Butoh-like gestures and tempo/rhythms. It's being staged as part of
Kumu Kahua's Dark Night Series and the remaining performances are on
Sunday, Monday and Wednesday of next week, April 6, 7 and 9. At Kumu Kahua
downtown, 46 Merchant Street, 8 pm, $5.
"This shows artistic initiative and enterprise and is a true E-W fusion
piece. The cast are nearly all UH students and all work as an effective,
focussed ensemble."
- Dennis Carroll