"courage" featuring stone flute player Kazuya Yokozawa
Fri and Sat July 13 and 14 @ 8pm
Producers: Andrew Bosworth and Takasige Mizumochi
Made Possible by All Our Kickstarter Donors
Allen Salyer (Detroit)
Andrew Bosworth
April Johnson
Benjamin Bangsberg
Danielle Best
Edith Dulles
Gregory Fletcher
John Oglevee
Kara W. Frame
Kathy "Wonkie" Keleher
Mac Kennedy
Paul Hachmann
Peter Garrod
Reiko Matsushima
Ryoko Yamakawa
Sanjuan Family
Takasige Mizumochi
A Special Thanks to all of you!
The truly brave are soft of heart and eyes,
and feel for what their duty bids them do.
The truly brave,
When they behold the brave oppressed with odds,
Are touched with a desire to shield and save:--
A mixture of wild beasts and demi-gods
Are they--now furious as the sweeping wave,
Now moved with pity; even as sometimes nods
The rugged tree unto the summer wind,
Compassion breathes along the savage mind.
-Lord Byron (Don Juan)